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Bigg Boss 17 10th January 2024 Written Episode 88 Update

The written update will be Updated One At 9.45 PM The Episode airs live on colors tv or gets uploaded on jio Cinema

Day 86

8 AM

The prisoners awaken to BB song of devotion, they all dance to it.

2 PM

Vicky requests that Ankita come to him and show some delicate quality however she says on the off chance that you need non-abrasiveness, see as one more for yourself, you actually have time so see as another. Munawar lets him know that things are irritating her, she needs selectiveness from you. Vicky says its an organization. Munawar claims that you have lavished her with care and that she has high standards for you. Vicky says I’m not anybody’s worker. Munawar claims that I have experienced the same thing, but girls require exclusivity. Ankita comes there and embraces him. Vicky tells her that he simply believes her should grin at him. She says you don’t offer me consideration, I will return to my mother’s on the off chance that you dislike me. Vicky says you don’t have to leave.

Samarth peruses the message about selections.

3:30 PM

Ankita inquires as to whether she resents her? Mannara says I’m feeling off-kilter now, I don’t come from a foundation where I would attempt to meddle in connections. Ankita says I’m unfortunately I don’t need you both to be awkward. You both can talk. Mannara says he is a deferential man so he won’t talk effectively now with me. Vicky says thanks to her.

4 PM

Arun is actually taking a look at Vicky’s ear. Bigg Supervisor asks what was the deal? Vicky says perhaps my ear needs to quit paying attention to insults. Ankita says he can hear everybody except me.

4:30 PM

Bigg Manager lets everybody know that today is about assignments. He instructs them to enter the activity area and don their costumes.

5 PM

The prisoners come to the movement region. Bigg Supervisor says its a white room. He asserts that Ankita will select prisoners and display their pictures on the wall. Then, at that point, prisoners will decide in favor of the individual whose photograph is on the wall, on the off chance that the individual gets 3 votes, he/she will be disposed of. Ankita begins with:

Vicky: Ayesha, Arun, and Abhishek favor Vicky’s picture. Ayesha says he is simply playing a game with individuals. Abhishek says he is playing in gatherings. Arun says I think he is a more grounded competitor.

Abhishek: Arun. Isha, Samarth and Vicky decision in favor of Abhishek. Isha says he has no game aside from battling with others. Samarth says he gets incredibly forceful and not intellectually solid. Vicky says his responses are phony. Even though he made mistakes, Arun claims he has not changed in any way.

Isha: Abhishek votes in favor of her yet no other person. She is safe, Bigg Boss claims.

Munawar: Ayesha, Arun, Mannara, Samarth and Isha vote in favor of him. Ayesha says he is playing a protected game. Arun says he has no position and playing a third class game. Mannara claims that I had a connection with him, but it makes me feel bad because he can’t even stand up for himself. Samarth says he is a quitter and doing nothing in the game. Every little thing about him is phony. Isha claims that he is playing it safe and that his relationships are unclear.

Ayesha: Samarth, Isha, Mannara, Vicky, Arun and Munawar vote in favor of her. Isha says I don’t comprehend her thought process of coming here, she attempts to flatter individuals a ton. In the game, Samarth claims she is weak. Mannara claims that she disparages Munawar, but she then approaches him and seeks his approval. Vicky says she is extremely self centered and annihilated Munawar’s standing just to get into the show. She went on Abhishek’s side subsequent to perceiving how counterfeit he is. Abhishek says don’t bring me up here. Arun says I could do without her game. Munawar claims that I exerted effort toward her, but she was unclear about the reason she came here. She doesn’t merit being here as we have both harmed one another.

Arun: Isha, Vicky, Munawar, Ayesha and Abhishek vote in favor of him. Isha says he should be more dynamic. Vicky says he figures he would get Tehelka’s help and being apathetic. Munawar says I could do without him and he has no marks of his own. Abhishek says he has no battles of his own.

Samarth: Ayesha, Abhishek and Munawar vote in favor of him. Munawar says he has incited Mannara against me, he even reviled about Isha with me so I can’t confide in him by any stretch of the imagination. Abhishek says I could do without this joker. Ayesha claims that Isha is his only game. He only pounces on people. He is phony and powerless.

Mannara: Vicky, Ayesha, Isha, and Ayesha vote for her. Isha says she might have decided in favor of Munawar yet she didn’t so she actually needs to keep that entryway open. Vicky says she might have stood firm for Samarth however she didn’t. Ayesha says her position changed abruptly which appears to be phony. Mannara says she is modest. She looks for Munawar’s validation and requests that he check out at her from front or back. Munawar says don’t say all that. Bigg Supervisor says Munawar provoked Mannara however didn’t assign her. Mannara claims that he wanted to demonstrate his goodness.

Bigg Supervisor says Vicky, Abhishek, Munawar, Ayesha, Arun, Samarth, and Mannara are named.

6:15 PM

Ankita asks Munawar for what valid reason didn’t he name Abhishek when you acknowledged he did a misstep? Munawar says I don’t believe its about assignments, I would rather not designate my companions regardless of whether we are not companions any longer. Ankita says I upheld you all over the place however you are off-base today.

Ayesha lets Mannara know that she is passing modest remarks on her, don’t repeat the experience. Mannara apologizes to her. Vicky lets Mannara know that we as a whole concurred that Abhishek was off-base and Munawar was supporting him however you didn’t select him? Mannara says it’s not necessary to focus on that. You didn’t stand firm for me. Vicky says you were not conversing with me even after Ankita apologized to you. I’m feeling terrible for Samarth that you didn’t stand firm for him.

I didn’t expect Munawar to nominate me, Ayesha tells Abhishek, and she gives me those reasons. Abhishek says you shouldn’t have any assumptions from him now.

Isha lets Mannara know that she leaved nothing to chance, you are preferring Abhishek on the grounds that he is against Munawar now. Mannara says OK. Isha says you avoided any and all risks today.

Munawar informs Ankita that while I used to let things go with Mannara, I no longer do so with Ayesha, which is why I nominated her. However, I don’t have any expectations for Abhishek, so I didn’t nominate him.

Isha lets Mannara know that she could never stand firm for Samarth. She advises Samarth to see her genuine face today. Mannara says you are inciting him. Isha says that by not nominating Munawar, you’re playing it safe because you think he might become your new friend.

Abhishek inquires about Ankita’s desire for Munawar to nominate him. Ankita says I could have done without your way of behaving, you really want to change.

Mannara lets Ankita know that his significant other avoids any unnecessary risk as well. Vicky says I’m doing whatever it takes not to save individuals that are reviling me out. Ankita lets Mannara know that you saved Abhishek with next to no justifiable excuse. Isha is informed by Mannara that she did not nominate Abhishek because she was aware that he would already be nominated. Isha says you simply needed to avoid any and all risks. Vicky hears from Mannara that, unlike you, I am a trustworthy friend. Vicky asserts that you would never be a genuine friend because you would never defend Samarth. You can play whenever you want. Mannara yells at him to quiet down. Samarth tries to take her away when she starts to cry. Mannara tells Vicky that he is a psycho, he can’t fault her. Vicky says you are phony for not naming Abhishek and Munawar. You demonstrated the phoniness of your friendships. Right now, your friendship values are 0 Mannara says you were unable to try and support your desirous spouse so don’t point fingers at me. Samarth removes her.

Mannara tells Samarth that Vicky is insane to say all that.

Munawar advises Ankita that she didn’t have to bring you up while battling with Vicky.

Mannara is yelling and says Vicky is phony. Ayesha advises her to quiet down. Mannara says he is a fraud. Vicky says Ayesha went to reassure her after she expressed such modest things about her.

6:45 PM

Mannara tells Isha that Vicky would agree with his significant other’s position against me. I disdain Munawar yet I don’t have to demonstrate it. Abhishek tells Ayesha that Vicky said you went to consoles Mannara after she expressed modest things about you and you have no self confidence. She comes to Munawar and Vicky, she faces them. Munawar says you have no regard on the off chance that you went to her. Ayesha says I couldn’t care less, I went there as a human.

Ankita tells Mannara that I am not envious of you and Vicky’s kinship. I won’t talk to Vicky anymore, according to Mannara. Ayesha lets Munawar know that she wants to think about it on the off chance that somebody is crying so I couldn’t care less about me previously. Ankita lets Mannara know that she makes companions according to her accommodation.

Mannara cries and tells Samarth that Ankita thinks I make companions according to my accommodation.

7 PM

Bigg Supervisor calls Munawar to the admission room, he goes there. Bigg Supervisor inquires as to whether relationship is significant or game? He thinks and says game. Bigg Chief however you put relationship over the game today. He inquires as to whether he is frightened of Ankita or Vicky? He says no. Bigg Boss inquires today if he regrets not having nominated Abhishek. He says OK. Bigg Supervisor says first Ankita sent Abhishek away and afterward requested to bring him back and afterward Vicky battled with her, and afterward Ankita said she needed to assign Abhishek today so Vicky did for her sake. He asks who is his need in the game? He says Ankita, Abhishek and Mannara. I need to fix things with her yet she has cut off ties. Mannara, according to Bigg Boss, did not nominate Abhishek because of your current conflict with others. According to Munawar, the house operates in this manner. Bigg Supervisor says thanks to him and he leaves.

Ankita tells Mannara that Munawar looked off-base today. Ayesha says he is such a defeatist. Mannara lets Ankita know that her connections are made based on accommodation as well, you were on the side of bringing Abhishek back. Ankita claims that I stated that I regretted it and that you are envious of my friendship with Munawar.

8 PM

Arun lets Mannara and Samarth know that he doesn’t confide in Vicky and he cautioned them previously. Why was Vicky fighting with you on my behalf, according to Samarth? Isha comes there and they all hush up. She inquires as to whether they would rather not discuss front of her? Arun says dislike that.

8:15 p.m. Isha informs Samarth that he was comforting Mannara, but he didn’t even consider speaking with her? I’m coming across as foolish. I went there to converse with you yet you couldn’t have cared less, you never came to converse with me. You console different young ladies however you don’t make a big deal about me? Mannara is saving Munawar and Abhishek however you are supporting her? Samarth says she was crying so I went to reassure her. Isha says simply proceed to support her more.

Mannara tells Abhishek that Ankita said I made fellowships according to accommodation. Abhishek says I figured you didn’t select me since you didn’t maintain that I should designate you. Mannara says I didn’t choose you as a result of Munawar as it were.

Ankita tells Ayesha that Mannara stoops low when she is irate. Isha says I couldn’t care less about her any longer.

Munawar lets Ankita know that he has a delicate corner for Mannara that is the reason he didn’t choose her. Ankita says she has provoked you to such an extent.

Bigg Manager 17 ninth January 2024 Composed Episode, Composed Update on

Day 86

8 AM

The prisoners awaken to BB song of devotion, they all dance to it.

2 PM

Vicky requests that Ankita come to him and show some delicate quality however she says on the off chance that you need non-abrasiveness, see as one more for yourself, you actually have time so see as another. Munawar lets him know that things are irritating her, she needs selectiveness from you. Vicky says its an organization. Munawar claims that you have lavished her with care and that she has high standards for you. Vicky says I’m not anybody’s worker. Munawar claims that I have experienced the same thing, but girls require exclusivity. Ankita comes there and embraces him. Vicky tells her that he simply believes her should grin at him. She says you don’t offer me consideration, I will return to my mother’s on the off chance that you dislike me. Vicky says you don’t have to leave.

Samarth peruses the message about selections.

3:30 PM

Ankita inquires as to whether she resents her? Mannara says I’m feeling off-kilter now, I don’t come from a foundation where I would attempt to meddle in connections. Ankita says I’m unfortunately I don’t need you both to be awkward. You both can talk. Mannara says he is a deferential man so he won’t talk effectively now with me. Vicky says thanks to her.

4 PM

Arun is actually taking a look at Vicky’s ear. Bigg Supervisor asks what was the deal? Vicky says perhaps my ear needs to quit paying attention to insults. Ankita says he can hear everybody except me.

4:30 PM

Bigg Manager lets everybody know that today is about assignments. He instructs them to enter the activity area and don their costumes.

5 PM

The prisoners come to the movement region. Bigg Supervisor says its a white room. He asserts that Ankita will select prisoners and display their pictures on the wall. Then, at that point, prisoners will decide in favor of the individual whose photograph is on the wall, on the off chance that the individual gets 3 votes, he/she will be disposed of. Ankita begins with:

Vicky: Ayesha, Arun, and Abhishek favor Vicky’s picture. Ayesha says he is simply playing a game with individuals. Abhishek says he is playing in gatherings. Arun says I think he is a more grounded competitor.

Abhishek: Arun. Isha, Samarth and Vicky decision in favor of Abhishek. Isha says he has no game aside from battling with others. Samarth says he gets incredibly forceful and not intellectually solid. Vicky says his responses are phony. Even though he made mistakes, Arun claims he has not changed in any way.

Isha: Abhishek votes in favor of her yet no other person. She is safe, Bigg Boss claims.

Munawar: Ayesha, Arun, Mannara, Samarth and Isha vote in favor of him. Ayesha says he is playing a protected game. Arun says he has no position and playing a third class game. Mannara claims that I had a connection with him, but it makes me feel bad because he can’t even stand up for himself. Samarth says he is a quitter and doing nothing in the game. Every little thing about him is phony. Isha claims that he is playing it safe and that his relationships are unclear.

Ayesha: Samarth, Isha, Mannara, Vicky, Arun and Munawar vote in favor of her. Isha says I don’t comprehend her thought process of coming here, she attempts to flatter individuals a ton. In the game, Samarth claims she is weak. Mannara claims that she disparages Munawar, but she then approaches him and seeks his approval. Vicky says she is extremely self centered and annihilated Munawar’s standing just to get into the show. She went on Abhishek’s side subsequent to perceiving how counterfeit he is. Abhishek says don’t bring me up here. Arun says I could do without her game. Munawar claims that I exerted effort toward her, but she was unclear about the reason she came here. She doesn’t merit being here as we have both harmed one another.

Arun: Isha, Vicky, Munawar, Ayesha and Abhishek vote in favor of him. Isha says he should be more dynamic. Vicky says he figures he would get Tehelka’s help and being apathetic. Munawar says I could do without him and he has no marks of his own. Abhishek says he has no battles of his own.

Samarth: Ayesha, Abhishek and Munawar vote in favor of him. Munawar says he has incited Mannara against me, he even reviled about Isha with me so I can’t confide in him by any stretch of the imagination. Abhishek says I could do without this joker. Ayesha claims that Isha is his only game. He only pounces on people. He is phony and powerless.

Mannara: Vicky, Ayesha, Isha, and Ayesha vote for her. Isha says she might have decided in favor of Munawar yet she didn’t so she actually needs to keep that entryway open. Vicky says she might have stood firm for Samarth however she didn’t. Ayesha says her position changed abruptly which appears to be phony. Mannara says she is modest. She looks for Munawar’s validation and requests that he check out at her from front or back. Munawar says don’t say all that. Bigg Supervisor says Munawar provoked Mannara however didn’t assign her. Mannara claims that he wanted to demonstrate his goodness.

Bigg Supervisor says Vicky, Abhishek, Munawar, Ayesha, Arun, Samarth, and Mannara are named.

6:15 PM

Ankita asks Munawar for what valid reason didn’t he name Abhishek when you acknowledged he did a misstep? Munawar says I don’t believe its about assignments, I would rather not designate my companions regardless of whether we are not companions any longer. Ankita says I upheld you all over the place however you are off-base today.

Ayesha lets Mannara know that she is passing modest remarks on her, don’t repeat the experience. Mannara apologizes to her. Vicky lets Mannara know that we as a whole concurred that Abhishek was off-base and Munawar was supporting him however you didn’t select him? Mannara says it’s not necessary to focus on that. You didn’t stand firm for me. Vicky says you were not conversing with me even after Ankita apologized to you. I’m feeling terrible for Samarth that you didn’t stand firm for him.

I didn’t expect Munawar to nominate me, Ayesha tells Abhishek, and she gives me those reasons. Abhishek says you shouldn’t have any assumptions from him now.

Isha lets Mannara know that she leaved nothing to chance, you are preferring Abhishek on the grounds that he is against Munawar now. Mannara says OK. Isha says you avoided any and all risks today.

Munawar informs Ankita that while I used to let things go with Mannara, I no longer do so with Ayesha, which is why I nominated her. However, I don’t have any expectations for Abhishek, so I didn’t nominate him.

Isha lets Mannara know that she could never stand firm for Samarth. She advises Samarth to see her genuine face today. Mannara says you are inciting him. Isha says that by not nominating Munawar, you’re playing it safe because you think he might become your new friend.

Abhishek inquires about Ankita’s desire for Munawar to nominate him. Ankita says I could have done without your way of behaving, you really want to change.

Mannara lets Ankita know that his significant other avoids any unnecessary risk as well. Vicky says I’m doing whatever it takes not to save individuals that are reviling me out. Ankita lets Mannara know that you saved Abhishek with next to no justifiable excuse. Isha is informed by Mannara that she did not nominate Abhishek because she was aware that he would already be nominated. Isha says you simply needed to avoid any and all risks. Vicky hears from Mannara that, unlike you, I am a trustworthy friend. Vicky asserts that you would never be a genuine friend because you would never defend Samarth. You can play whenever you want. Mannara yells at him to quiet down. Samarth tries to take her away when she starts to cry. Mannara tells Vicky that he is a psycho, he can’t fault her. Vicky says you are phony for not naming Abhishek and Munawar. You demonstrated the phoniness of your friendships. Right now, your friendship values are 0 Mannara says you were unable to try and support your desirous spouse so don’t point fingers at me. Samarth removes her.

Mannara tells Samarth that Vicky is insane to say all that.

Munawar advises Ankita that she didn’t have to bring you up while battling with Vicky.

Mannara is yelling and says Vicky is phony. Ayesha advises her to quiet down. Mannara says he is a fraud. Vicky says Ayesha went to reassure her after she expressed such modest things about her.

6:45 PM

Mannara tells Isha that Vicky would agree with his significant other’s position against me. I disdain Munawar yet I don’t have to demonstrate it. Abhishek tells Ayesha that Vicky said you went to consoles Mannara after she expressed modest things about you and you have no self confidence. She comes to Munawar and Vicky, she faces them. Munawar says you have no regard on the off chance that you went to her. Ayesha says I couldn’t care less, I went there as a human.

Ankita tells Mannara that I am not envious of you and Vicky’s kinship. I won’t talk to Vicky anymore, according to Mannara. Ayesha lets Munawar know that she wants to think about it on the off chance that somebody is crying so I couldn’t care less about me previously. Ankita lets Mannara know that she makes companions according to her accommodation.

Mannara cries and tells Samarth that Ankita thinks I make companions according to my accommodation.

7 PM

Bigg Supervisor calls Munawar to the admission room, he goes there. Bigg Supervisor inquires as to whether relationship is significant or game? He thinks and says game. Bigg Chief however you put relationship over the game today. He inquires as to whether he is frightened of Ankita or Vicky? He says no. Bigg Boss inquires today if he regrets not having nominated Abhishek. He says OK. Bigg Supervisor says first Ankita sent Abhishek away and afterward requested to bring him back and afterward Vicky battled with her, and afterward Ankita said she needed to assign Abhishek today so Vicky did for her sake. He asks who is his need in the game? He says Ankita, Abhishek and Mannara. I need to fix things with her yet she has cut off ties. Mannara, according to Bigg Boss, did not nominate Abhishek because of your current conflict with others. According to Munawar, the house operates in this manner. Bigg Supervisor says thanks to him and he leaves.

Ankita tells Mannara that Munawar looked off-base today. Ayesha says he is such a defeatist. Mannara lets Ankita know that her connections are made based on accommodation as well, you were on the side of bringing Abhishek back. Ankita claims that I stated that I regretted it and that you are envious of my friendship with Munawar.

8 PM

Arun lets Mannara and Samarth know that he doesn’t confide in Vicky and he cautioned them previously. Why was Vicky fighting with you on my behalf, according to Samarth? Isha comes there and they all hush up. She inquires as to whether they would rather not discuss front of her? Arun says dislike that.

8:15 p.m. Isha informs Samarth that he was comforting Mannara, but he didn’t even consider speaking with her? I’m coming across as foolish. I went there to converse with you yet you couldn’t have cared less, you never came to converse with me. You console different young ladies however you don’t make a big deal about me? Mannara is saving Munawar and Abhishek however you are supporting her? Samarth says she was crying so I went to reassure her. Isha says simply proceed to support her more.

Mannara tells Abhishek that Ankita said I made companionships according to accommodation. Abhishek says I figured you didn’t select me since you didn’t maintain that I should designate you. Mannara says I didn’t choose you as a result of Munawar as it were.

Ankita tells Ayesha that Mannara stoops low when she is irate. Isha says I couldn’t care less about her any longer.

Munawar lets Ankita know that he has a delicate corner for Mannara that is the reason he didn’t choose her. Ankita says however she has disregarded you to such an extent. Munawar says I realize Mannara gets affected by others without any problem. You claim that Ayesha was doing everything for the game, Ankita? He says I got this lucidity after the end of the week episode. Ankita claims that you were flirting with her before abruptly ceasing. What Mannara is doing is additionally disregarding you so why various choices for Ayesha and Mannara? Munawar claims that I advised Mannara to ignore me.

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